Welcome to the FIMS Class of 2020 Online Yearbook!

Submissions are still welcome! Let inspiration strike you and send us a video or photo message.

To the Faculty of Information & Media Studies Class of 2020 – welcome to your Online Yearbook! We will miss you at Convocation this June but we really look forward to your return once we have a new date. Until then, we’ve set up this online yearbook for our graduating students. If you completed your degree (undergraduate or graduate) this Winter 2020 term, please record and submit a video or photo message for your friends, your peers, and your professors. We will share your messages with others by posting them on this (totally public) site.

Submit a video: Record your video message on any device and share it with us using your Western OneDrive account. (See the guidelines in the video above.) If you can’t access OneDrive, try Google Docs or Dropbox. Share it with the email address fims-onlineyearbook@uwo.ca. Keep your video under 60 seconds, and as we’ve said in our video invitation above, be real, be respectful, be yourselves. If you have any trouble with submitting your video, email the address above for help.

Submit a photo: If you’d prefer, you can skip the video and send us a photo of yourself and some written words and we will post that too. Photo submissions can also be sent to fims-onlineyearbook@uwo.ca.

** Videos will be uploaded to YouTube before they can be added to the Online Yearbook. Participants may request to have their photo or video content removed from the Online Yearbook and/or YouTube at any time.

We present… The FIMS Class of 2020

Video Submissions

Photo Submissions